Category: Health

Chair Yoga 4a

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga I was recently asked to teach a chair yoga class to a group of office employees.  Having never taught chair yoga before, I started to research different poses and soon realized that without knowing it at the time, I had been doing chair yoga during my previous career when I had to sit for 10-12 hours a day. Chair yoga is a great for office workers to bring…

Staying Active While Traveling Blog 2

Staying Active While Traveling

When Movement Travel is on the road either researching new locations or hosting a wellness retreat, we like to maintain a regular fitness routine.  Sometimes we don’t have access to a gym, yoga studio or fitness classes so we created our own workouts for the road which requires very little equipment that can be easily packed, even into carry-on luggage.  Our equipment list includes: Travel yoga mat – The mat…

15-Minute Yoga Practice Blog

15-Minute Yoga Practice

Over the years, I’ve found that practicing yoga for just 15-minutes a day was enough to feel more relaxed, clear-headed and balanced.  Most people are busy and short on time and often sacrifice their own well-being to make time for other things they feel are more important.  For just 15-minutes a day, (that’s only 1% of the time out of your entire day) you can dedicate this small window of…