HIIT Yoga Blog


High Intensity Interval Training Yoga

Stretch, strengthen, and get your sweat on with a yoga inspired HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout. 

Historically, cardio, strength and mobility training were done independently requiring a lot of time being spent in gyms and studios.  HIIT, which combines strength and cardio, is a very efficient way to exercise that taxes both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, fires up the metabolism and may help burn more calories than other types of training in the same amount of time.  As a result, HIIT has become increasingly popular amongst exercise enthusiasts and those with busy schedules. 

HIIT Yoga adds an additional layer to traditional high intensity workouts by weaving in the benefits of yoga such as mindfulness and mobility training.  Like other types of fitness training, HIIT Yoga classes vary from style to intensity.  One extra perk of a yoga inspired HIIT class is little or no equipment is needed other than a yoga mat.  Our favourite yoga mat for both yoga and high intensity interval training is the B MAT Strong.  Not only are these mats grippy but with 6mm thickness, it offers good cushioning for higher impact movements. 

Looking to get stronger, improve mobility and quiet your mind with a group of like-minded people?  Join Movement Travel Co-Founder, Melanie Yip, for a 50-minute livestream HIIT Yoga class every Sunday at 9 am PT / 12 noon ET.  The class includes:

  • Warm up yoga flows to open the body and get blood flowing to joints and muscles.
  • 3-circuits of 6-8 back-to-back exercises with 1-minute rest between each circuit.
  • Cool down to slow the heart rate and stretch everything out.
  • Short but sweet Savasana.

Sign up here

Melanie Yip
Co-Founder, Movement Travel
RYT 200 and ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor