Category: Fitness

Entertain Clients with Wellness Blog 1

Entertain Clients with Wellness

Entertain Clients with Wellness Traditionally, client entertainment has involved going out for large meals, consuming alcohol and staying out late.  While this is enjoyable from time to time, it can leave you feeling exhausted and a little stretched in the waistline when done too often. Having worked in the finance industry for many years, both my business partner and myself experienced first-hand, the physical effects of this style of client…


Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness Although the wellness industry has been growing rapidly for many years, it has only recently started to transform the corporate world. Corporations are still trying to figure out the best way to embrace this trend and some industries seem to be better at it than others. Several trends are emerging from revamped offices to active client meetings and corporate wellness retreats. A number of corporations are choosing to bring…


Becoming a Personal Trainer

Becoming a Personal Trainer I recently decided to take the plunge and become a certified Personal Trainer. I have always been interested in fitness, and admittedly I did have my PT certification in university, but I let it lapse as I got absorbed into the world of finance for the last 17 years. I made obtaining my certification one of my New Year’s resolutions in 2019. I signed up in…

Chair Yoga 4a

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga I was recently asked to teach a chair yoga class to a group of office employees.  Having never taught chair yoga before, I started to research different poses and soon realized that without knowing it at the time, I had been doing chair yoga during my previous career when I had to sit for 10-12 hours a day. Chair yoga is a great for office workers to bring…

Staying Active While Traveling Blog 2

Staying Active While Traveling

When Movement Travel is on the road either researching new locations or hosting a wellness retreat, we like to maintain a regular fitness routine.  Sometimes we don’t have access to a gym, yoga studio or fitness classes so we created our own workouts for the road which requires very little equipment that can be easily packed, even into carry-on luggage.  Our equipment list includes: Travel yoga mat – The mat…

15-Minute Yoga Practice Blog

15-Minute Yoga Practice

Over the years, I’ve found that practicing yoga for just 15-minutes a day was enough to feel more relaxed, clear-headed and balanced.  Most people are busy and short on time and often sacrifice their own well-being to make time for other things they feel are more important.  For just 15-minutes a day, (that’s only 1% of the time out of your entire day) you can dedicate this small window of…