Category: Mindfulness

A Quiet Mind Blog 1

A Quiet Mind

A Quiet Mind I’m currently re-reading The Bhagavad Gita after reading it a year ago during my yoga teacher training.  For those unfamiliar with the Bhagavad Gita, it’s an ancient Indian text that is part of the voluminous, epic poem, the Mahabharata, where the two main characters, while on a battlefield, discuss the main paths towards spiritual enlightenment and becoming one with the Divine. When I read it the first time, I…

Movement in Movement Travel Blog

“Movement” in Movement Travel

"Movement" in Movement Travel It took us several months to choose the name for our new wellness travel company.  We wanted a word that encompassed being active, traveling to different places and embracing new ideas and ways of doing things.  One day, I received a message from Lisa that said, “how about Movement Travel?”  It immediately resonated with me, as it did with her.  That day, Movement Travel, was born.…

Entertain Clients with Wellness Blog 1

Entertain Clients with Wellness

Entertain Clients with Wellness Traditionally, client entertainment has involved going out for large meals, consuming alcohol and staying out late.  While this is enjoyable from time to time, it can leave you feeling exhausted and a little stretched in the waistline when done too often. Having worked in the finance industry for many years, both my business partner and myself experienced first-hand, the physical effects of this style of client…

Wanting Less Blog

Wanting Less

Wanting Less It’s been 9 months since retiring from a career in banking and starting my new life as an entrepreneur and yoga instructor.  My largest fear when making this change was losing a regular pay cheque which allowed me to do whatever I wanted whenever.  What I have found is, since starting my new life, I want less.  Nowadays, I do the things I love most and no longer…

Mindfulness Meditation Blog

Mindfulness & Meditation

Mindfulness & Meditation I was recently asked to give a short talk about mindfulness.  It is a word we are hearing more and more but what does it mean, how can it benefit us and how does meditation fit into this? For me, mindfulness is the practice of being present and in the moment and meditation is a tool to help one practice mindfulness.  The benefits of a regular mindfulness…

Chair Yoga 4a

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga I was recently asked to teach a chair yoga class to a group of office employees.  Having never taught chair yoga before, I started to research different poses and soon realized that without knowing it at the time, I had been doing chair yoga during my previous career when I had to sit for 10-12 hours a day. Chair yoga is a great for office workers to bring…

15-Minute Yoga Practice Blog

15-Minute Yoga Practice

Over the years, I’ve found that practicing yoga for just 15-minutes a day was enough to feel more relaxed, clear-headed and balanced.  Most people are busy and short on time and often sacrifice their own well-being to make time for other things they feel are more important.  For just 15-minutes a day, (that’s only 1% of the time out of your entire day) you can dedicate this small window of…

My New Life

Question:  Why do we wait until we are retired to start living a more fulfilling life? It was one of the more difficult decisions I had to make, to leave a good job in banking that paid well to pursue my passion to travel and live a balanced, more active and healthier lifestyle. These thoughts started creeping into my head about 5 years ago after having a conversation with a…